Day271.The movie-Iron Man

The main actor is brave and humorous. The funny thing is we went to the wrong movie before we saw this movie.(ha~)

About this movie...
‘Iron Man’ is one cool Super Hero who not only invents military hardware, but also uses it himself. He becomes ‘Iron Man’ after being kidnapped by terrorists in Afghanistan and told to make a weapons system for his captors or be killed. The suit is bullet proof, can fly and has a delightful flamethrower. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is an intriguing good guy who has similar drinking problems to Robert Downey Jnr. himself.
Afghan bad guys have Stark weapons provided by someone from within the company which makes for interesting viewing as we try to unravel the conspiracies.
What kept me glued to my seat was the brilliant story coupled with a magnificent performance by Robert Downey, Jr., clever and witty dialogue plus some neat special effects and delightful humorous touches. Iron Man is adapted from a comic of the same name must rank as one of the best movies of the year. This is definitely a see it again movie that will reward you every time.
Directed by Jon Favreau with cast of Robert Downey Jr, Terrence Howard, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeff Bridges we are entertained by an excellent story.
